Parents think the world of their children and want what’s best for them. That’s why they work hard to provide for them, give them good education so they can get a good start in life.
Believe it or not, choosing where to send your preschooler is a monumental decision. Because if you are able to mold your children to be the best they can be, you want to make sure they begin to love learning at a young age.
So we are listing down some of the best preschools and their ‘disciplines’ and their approach in educating and shaping young minds. Hopefully, you’ll see the difference in what each educational approach offers and select the best fit for your kid.
The Montessori Education
Every town probably has one Montessori school where kids learn at their own pace. The teachers, who have to be Montessori-certified, will guide the kids on how they go about learning by solving tasks in their own way.
The Montessori system also has no rigid lines dividing the kids based on their age. Younger and older kids can mix so kids can learn from each other.
By letting children figure out things for themselves, kids foster a sense of independence at a very young age. And even when surrounded by older children, they can take on leadership roles.
As they grow older, kids from Montessori schools become well-adapted individuals who can make independent decisions when presented with tasks and naturally become leaders in and outside their classrooms.
Two More Preschool Systems
This pre-school system is hinged on a play-based methodology. Students are given a daily schedule where they expect to learn reading and writing, then do other activities like gardening and singing.
At Waldorf, kids are not traditionally graded – they won’t have to worry about acing their academics because there are no homework, exams, and other traditional methods to measure grades.
The Waldorf system leans toward fostering creativity in kids and exposing to the world outside the classroom. They want kids to explore and follow their natural curiosities.
Reggio Emilia
Speaking of exploration, schools that follow the Reggio Emilia philosophy do that. It is a system where the curriculum is framed based on what the child needs.
A child’s simple question of what is this and that, for instance, can turn into a new project whereby he/she and other children can explore and find out for themselves what is this object, how it grows, and so on.
Teachers who frame the project-based learning schedule will then document the progress of the child in their activities and review them. The Reggio Emilia School of learning is focused on creating camaraderie and cooperation among children such that they learn to deal with them and resolve conflicts within the group.
So Which will be the Best Preschools for Your Kid?
When faced with questions such as this, go back to your aim. What do you want your kid to achieve when enrolling in a certain type of preschool?
If you are for your kid to learn minus the academic stress, the Waldorf system might be your choice. Moreover, if want him/her to be socially adept with lots of compassion for everyone, try a school based on the Reggio Emilia model.
However, if you want both – learning at their own pace and interaction among their peers — the Montessori preschool system is for your kid. This system provides the best preschools for your child.
Kid’s Town Montessori School is centrally located at 867 Sycamore Avenue in Vista, California and is proud to serve the cities of: San Marcos, Escondido, Carlsbad and many more